That's the best one yet. Whether it's social satire or not, the actor joke was very funny. Nice job.
That's the best one yet. Whether it's social satire or not, the actor joke was very funny. Nice job.
Well, the actor thing was meant as a very subtle satire, but I figured even if people didn't get it, it'd still be funny because.. well, it was funny.
It was alright.
Some jokes weren't really the type of humor I enjoy. Other jokes were pretty funny. I liked how Andrew thought there was something wrong with Texas, though. I should put some Texas bashing in my cartoons, just because it's really the only American state that's actually funny to bash.
Short, but still great.
The animation and art was perfect. Not much is known about the story, but as the series will go on, I bet it will be a lot more interesting. The ending of the cartoon was the best part.
I was a huge fan of your Mall Monkeys comic (you even posted my shitty "Filbton's Blues" guest comic a while before the series ended). It's great that for someone with a great sense of humor, you can also make very mysterious movies like this. Good luck making more.
We need more submissions like this!
This was very unique. What I really like is how mysterious you made it. Even the morons who accuse this of ripping off Salad Fingers have to admit that this is a bit more mysterious.
A lot of people think that you could never enjoy something you hardly have any understanding of, but a lot of people can be surprised.
Please make more!
I cannot believe that this movie survived submission. First of all, the music hurts my ears. Secondly, don't use .JPEGs for text! AARRGGH! Secondly, Alien is a stupid name to call yourself, co-maker of this "trailer." No wonder this movie sucks!
Secondly, I am glad this movie is canceled. It is garbage and I can't even tell that it is a parody! STOP TAKING JAPANESE CLASSES, YOU MAKE ME ANGRY!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!
STFU!!! I worked hard on this... you don't understand how long I slaved over a computer to make this beautiful piece of art... so now I'm going to kill myself. Thanks a lot, "Aliyen," fucking baka retard.
Holy shit.
This movie's obviously a joke from the start, but what's ironic is that I didn't laugh it. I was scared shitless by it. It reminds me a lot of those Urban Legends flash movies, if you've ever seen them. Even when those flash movies are actually trying to be serious, I still think this is exactly on par with those.
Anyway, I guess I already stretched out the fact that I'm a pussy quite enough now. Now I won't sleep because of this. Thanks a fucking lot.
Oh, and great job.
That ruled.
That's the best Christmas gift any sister can ask for.
hey hey i'm gay
Age 34, Male
Hotdog Vendor
Staten Island
Joined on 4/30/02